Thursday, December 18, 2008


Oh the weather outside is frightful, we are expecting 8-12 inches of snow tonight.  We are hoping to leave for Missouri tomorrow night, by 4pm.  We are having Christmas with all of the kids, my parents, and my sister and her family on Saturday.  We will come home with all the kids on Sunday.  Then on Tuesday night we will return to Missouri for Christmas with my Jays parents, and all the kids on Wednesday.  Jay will leave Christmas eve to come home to work.  I will take his kids back to thier moms late Christmas eve, then head out to Troy to my parents.  We will have Santa gifts on Christmas morning.  Then later that night or Friday head to Indiana for Christmas at Ol' Ma and Ol' Pa's.  I will stop in and see my Grandma Farm for  a bit.  Then Jay will meet us there on Friday night/Saturday morning.  Back home on Sunday.  Then to turn around and go back to Missouri, to pick up the rest of the kids for the remaining of the Christmas break.  Please keep us in your prayers as we make our holiday travel, as we have a lot of it to do.  God Bless all of you.  Merry Christmas, and have a safe and blessed New Year.
Much love,

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